Home Artist Galleries to See in Brooklyn

Galleries to See in Brooklyn

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If you have been following the art scene in Brooklyn, then you may have noticed that quite a few prominent galleries have effectively shut down in the past few years. This is undeniably sad as the list includes many Brooklyn staples such as the Pierogi which has since moved to the Lower East Side. That being said, readers should know that there are still a number of spots that are worth your time.


An integral part of the Williamsburg art community since 2000, Figureworks is certainly worth your time. With a specific focus on the contemporary art scene, the pieces shown here mostly explore the human form – revelling in its beauty and complexity.

Pioneer Works

Pioneer Works was established by Dustin Yellen, one of the pillars of the Brooklyn art scene. According to its founder, this gallery aims to foster a sense of community while also breaking down the different traditional boundaries.

Far from being a comprehensive list, the Brooklyn art scene sports a wide range of galleries focusing on the different aspects of art. So, be sure to explore all the spots you can find.

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